Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Costa Rica – Day 5 – Monteverde Part I

By this point in the trip we were beginning to have enough rice and beans and were yearning for more traditional breakfast foods. La Mariposa hit the spot with pancakes and fruit.


While planning our trip Amy and I hypothesized all the ways we could die. We could drown in the river while rafting, 3rd degree suburns, bad food, and fall off a zipline and plunge to our death in the forest. All very unlikely, but still. When choosing among the vaiours ziplining companies I chose a company that had a tarzan swing.


Essentially with a Tarzan Swing you jump off a platform and swing on a long rope through the jungle. We were a little scared of the swing, but did it anyways. Overall, the ziplines were really awesome. It took me a little bit to get a hang of ziplining without twisting, but after that it was smooth sailing. The lines were a combination of shorter and longer ones that were so extensive you couldn’t even see the other end!You go really fast on the lines, but I still made sure to take the time to enjoy the beautiful views while gliding over the forest and peer out at the hilly landscape.



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