Friday, April 10, 2009

Welcome to my blog

My blog is in the works, but it will be a mix of old and new entries.  So far it includes entries from my trips to the Galapagos Islands, Italy, and Costa Rica.  Right now I’m working on adding Brasil.  As I update these older posts, they will be put in chronological order, and will not be the most recent entry.  So be sure to click on the labels on the right hand side to view these entries if interested!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Learning how to fly! aka Trapeze School

So on Monday, I learned how to fly!  I went to trapeze school with my roomate, Gergana and learned how to do some awesome stunts.  The three things I learned how to do were a knee hang, a backflip, and a catch.


Right before my first plunge off the platform.  I was a bit nervous because standing up there getting ready to jump reminded me of when I went skydiving.


Flying through the air!


Doing a backflip.


The catch!  I got it on my 3rd and final try!  That guy has ridiculous strength.  He was hanging from another trapeze, no support cables, and held onto me while hanging upside down!

Today my arms, shoulders, hands, and abs still hurt.