Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Amy’s Birthday 8/12/09

My long lost friend Amy came back to Boston for a few days until heading up and out to her Brother’s wedding.  One of those few days happened to be her birthday as well.  To celebrate this momentous day, as well as my birthday 3 days later, we decided to go on a segway tour!  I’ve wanted to ride a segway since 2005, and I know this to the year because I wrote a newspaper article about the device.  Yes, I know, quite nerdy.  Anyways, Amy and I were in a tour group with two other young college graduates and we rode around the city for 2 hours.  I greatly enjoyed zooming around back and forth about columns, down streets in the North End, going at maximum speed and then suddenly stopping, going over bumps, and having people stare at us and then inquire about how they could do the same.  I was appointed Segway Queen by our guide because he said I had good control of my segway and was clearly having a lot of fun.  Amy’s first segway was like a wild bucking horse – it kept throwing her off.  She got to trade machines with our guide and got to ride a nice shiny and faster one.  While I didn’t learn too much history on top of what I already knew, the highlight of the tour was riding the segway, something I would definitely do again.  The company also had a segway polo tournament and an extreme segway tour where you cruise through obstacles.  Perhaps that will be a future adventure.

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For Lunch, we met up with Wen-fai and ate Indian buffet, something Amy had greatly missed, at Bombay Club.  I then headed out to pickup Amy’s birthday cupcake.  This thing was more massive than I anticipated.  I only bought it because I found a half-off coupon online and it looked cute in the picture.   I had no idea with would be 9 inches in diameter and weigh a few pounds.  Nevertheless it was quite delicious.  We made a small dent in the cake after enjoying breakfast for dinner at the Friendly Toast. IMG_0031


Somehow this is turning into a weird photo montage of Wen-Fai and hands…the end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you never told me about this newspaper article